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Three Monkeys Rose Wine 750Ml

KSh 1,199.00

A delightfully fragrant wine with lots of tropical fruit aromas that carry through to the palate. It is best served on its own as an aperitif or with lightly spiced food. This alcohol removed wine is delightful on its own or paired with salmon, turkey, chicken and ham dishes, as well as pasta, pizza, and grilled meats. This natural blend of non-alcoholic red wine and berry crush provides all the health benefits of red wine at the taste of berry juice.


Thr3 Monkeys believes that wine should be simple, fun and uncomplicated. This wine is a given choice for the social occasions when taste is the only thing that matters. Fresh, medium-sweet and yet fruity flavours with a refreshing acidity. Goes perfect with fish, salads, pie or just to keep around instead of a pet pig. Best keep monkey chilled.

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Three Monkeys


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