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Club House Rose 750Ml

KSh 1,425.00

This crisp and dry Rosé is made in a classic Provençal style, according to the winemaker, with just a hint of sweetness and a fresh acidity. An appealing pink-tinged colour with sumptuoussweet red berries and cherries tinged with discreet spice. A succulent palate leads to a soft, dry finish.

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The perfect partner to smoked salmon, sushi, prawns, smoked chicken and cold meats.
Ageing : Best enjoyed in the freshness of youth or up to a year.

Named after the legendary Club House at the local sports club, this Rosé was made for easy social enjoyment.

In the vineyard :The vineyards were planted on varied soil types that lend specific nuances and characters to each block of grapes, contributing to the complexity of the wine.In the cellar : Allowed an average of two hours skin contact after crushing to coax the characteristic gently salmon hue. Made from the free-run juice of red grape varieties only and cold fermented to optimise vibrant fruit expressions.

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Western Cape, South Africa




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